New Tires

Tires are the equivalent to shoes for people. Just like deferent shoes have a different effect on your feet, tires for your vehicle are no different. While Tires do tend to get overlooked, they are an essential component of any car. The Main functions include Supporting the vehicle load, absorbing road shocks, providing your automobile proper grip in all-weather circumstances and much more. So, the next time you are experiencing some issues with your Tires consider Dynamic Auto Repair as your one-stop shop for all your tire-related problems.

Some Effects of Bad tires

  1. Low or Bald Tread Life
  2. Blowouts
  3. Tire Noise
  4. Wheel Vibration

Tire Rotation

Tire Rotation is vital to expanding the longevity of your tread life. The rear tires usually wear in a uniform way, but the front tires wear unevenly because of the left, and right turns we make, and the road conditions. So, our front tires are usually the first one to get worn out and Fade. That's why we always recommend doing a tire Rotation Every 10,000 miles to get you the most bang per buck from your tires.